New York Qin and Calligraphy Society


琴韵心声 -- 活出优雅、活出品味

The New York Qin and Calligraphy Society is a resource in Manhattan for the teaching, learning and promotion of Chinese qin music, calligraphy, painting, and related arts. Through promoting Chinese arts and their philosophy, we are also promoting the beauty of Oriental culture and elegant living. Playing the ancient zither, brushing calligraphy and painting, as well as tasting tea are subtle, elegant past times which appeal to our senses. These activities can awaken our original pure mind so that all the schemes and complexities of this dusty world will fall away, leaving only the joy of the present moment. In this hectic metropolis, why not take some time off and join us in this journey of beauty and enlightenment? Experience the elegance of notes, lines, and tea?

纽约听泠琴社是坐标于纽约曼哈顿上东区,传扬中国琴道的平台,也旁及书道、茶道、绘画、太极、易经等文化。抚琴、挥毫、品茗、吟诗等均为传统文人的雅兴。意之所到,行云流水的艺术便诞生了。一音一世界的古琴音乐、用一条线来说故事的书法艺术,和敬清寂的茶道,这些精致的艺术文化可带领我们返回那个忘机、无染的初心世界。在繁忙、身不由己的大都会,让我们一同体验中国文化生活之美, 一同品味一个音、一条线的心事;一片叶、一滴水的优雅,一同返回那个美好的初心世界。

纽约听泠琴社提供古琴及书法课程,由叶明媚博士亲授。 内容包括技巧、基本乐理、文化、美学,由浅入深,让大家能在短期内享受到琴道及书道之美,领略其中的体贴与深情。岁月静好,年华如水,让我们将平凡的人生变得更丰饶和美。


Mingmei Yip, PhD in musicology from the University of Paris (Sorbonne) on a full scholarship from the French Government. A master performer on the Qin, she has given lectures and performances at venues such as Metropolitan Museum of Art, Carnegie Hall. Learn more.


New York Qin and Calligraphy Society offers individualized instruction in the ancient Chinese arts of qin performance and calligraphy. Students can enroll to study one or more of these arts. The approach is both practical but also introduces the cultural background. Mingmei has taught these arts for many years to children and adults, both Chinese and Westerners. Learn more.


雅集 (pronounce: Yaji; elegant gatherings) and public concerts will be held regularly for students to play the qin, make friends, enjoy tea and food, and have a good time! Learn more.



Mingmei’s book Art of Guqin Music won China’s National City Book award.


Mingmei Yip is now visiting professor at Bard College’s Music Conservatory, US-China Music Institute, teaching “Introduction to Chinese Music”, “Guqin Music and Chinese Culture” and “Ethnomusicology Methodology”.
Bard College - 2022

Dr. Mingmei Yip and her students have yaji - "Guqin and Bubble Tea" at China institute at August 18th, 2019.
China Institute - August 18, 2019

Dr. Mingmei Yip gave a lecture and performed at the village of Guqin - Mengcheng, Shandong, China. For more information, Click here.
Mengcheng, Shandong - May 10, 2019

Dr. Mingmei Yip is teaching junior classes at China institute. For more information, Click here.
China Institute - January 15, 2019